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Dating Statistics To Increase Your Odds At Online Dating


online-dating-successWhen online dating there are a lot of tips and tidbits you can keep in mind in order to be successful.

While I often go into great detail with certain tips, today I’m just going to keep and short and sweet while sticking to the statistics.

So, if you’re trying to make a connection with someone online, there are established methods to help your chances at attracting someone.  Here diclofenac buy online, get viagra witout prescription. are eight helpful stats:

1. Find The Right Site For You

Don’t try to meet people through PerfectMatch.com if you are looking for a sex. Use SexSearch.com if you want casual hookups. There’s a dating site on the internet that is designed for just about every possible match, whether it be based around a specific attribute of who you are, or based around the type of date that you’re looking for, or else based on some specific type of matchmaking technique. Generally speaking, 85% of online daters say they didn’t find real success  at internet dating until they found the right site for them. In order to be successful, you can’t be afraid to shop around and see what’s out there. Even if you have a specific type of date that you’re looking for, it’s wise to subscribe to a few similar sites in order to maximize your chances of success.

2. Make Sure Your Language Isn’t Wishy-Washy

Try and compel them. Too often dating sites are filled with profile descriptions that make very little sense or people don’t really know what they want or what they’re looking for. As a result, the writing is vague and purposeless and those profiles wind up going nowhere.  80% of internet dating will only progress past the initial stages if the writing you use is direct and to the point.

3. Keep It Short

You might feel compelled to over-share a little bit when it comes to writing your profile. While laying out the most important information is probably necessary while writing your profile (you don’t want to give your date any unpleasant surprises), keeping things brief and concise will keep them interested and wanting more. Don’t tell them your life story. Everyone loves the suspense of a cliffhanger.

4. Be Challenging

Don’t agree with everything a person says if you feel another way about something. It’ll be obvious that you’re simply agreeing for the sake of harmony when in reality what the other person is probably trying to suss out is if you have your own mind. For most people differences in political opinions or religion aren’t categorical deal-breakers. If they are then your date will find out soon enough and it probably wasn’t worth the trouble anyhow. 60% of internet daters said they tend to maintain an online dating relationship longer if the person they are communicating with has a mind and viewpoints of their own. What’s far sexier than being totally agreeable is to show that you actually have some thoughts of your own.

5. Use The Keyboard If You Can’t Use Your Face

Not everyone has a high-quality webcam to Skype with their potential date. Hopefully you’ll be meeting them in person soon enough anyhow. Smile and wink with emoticons if you can’t do it face to face. Careful use of emoticons can create a light feeling of joviality which you’ll probably want in order to build a stronger bond. However, too many emoticons can be ridiculous and will come across as silly. Use them wise;y, but don’t overdo it.

6. Look Good

Professionals agree it takes at most 60 seconds for someone to decide if you are attractive. Less, if all they have is a picture of you. The sad truth of online dating is that it’s so often a meat market, even on the sites that are designed for long-term committed relationships. Make sure your profile pics flatter you!  If you have a nice smile, make sure your pic shows it off.  If you’re bosomy, show a little cleavage. having the best looking profile picture can only be to your advantage when you’re building your profile.horiz-woman-dating-on-skype

7. Act Appropriately

Only 7% of communication comes from what you write – 55% of the impression you make is perceived through body language. It so often comes as a surprise to most people quite how much of our communication is entirely non-verbal or even subconscious. Especially when it comes to looking for a mate, people are picking up on the subtle non-verbal cues all of the time and are coming to a judgement based on what they see before they put it into words. So if you’re using a webcam, make sure your posture and body language say “confident” and “interested”. Even thinking those things to yourself can help, since you’ll start to behave that way more and more. It’s an old trick called “method acting”.

8. Speak Well

As a bit of an addendum to the point above, it’s not just the way that you stand it’s the way that you sound. 33% of communication is perceived through voice: speed, timbre, and eloquence. If you stutter excessively or speak in an impossibly quiet voice, it’ll turn off your date unquestionably. Granted talking to a new date can be stressful and it can be hard not to fall back on nervous crutches that you might find hard to control. If you’re talking through Skype, slow down, and speak with intelligence. Make sure you’re well-hydrated and relaxed. And don’t worry so much. If it doesn’t work out there’s always someone else around the corner. Keeping that thought in your head can be a huge confidence booster.

If you implement all these techniques, you are already starting ahead of most of the singles out there using online dating.  Are there any other tips/stats you would like to add to help online daters off on the right track?



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  8. singledatingdiva says
    March 20, 2013, 9:34 pm

    Great tips!! It's all about putting your best foot forward and making a good first impression.
