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Nap Time

Does sex tire you out? Does the thought of sex tire you out? Maybe sex gives you more energy. Often a giant orgasm can trigger a nap for many people.

Amazing sex tends to have all different sorts of effects on all different sorts of people. I suppose sex of the non-amazing variety also has physiological effects as well, but who wants to talk about that? Whatever happens to you tadalafil farmacia, norvasc samples. after you have enjoyed earth shaking, mind shattering, brain numbing, explosive sex may be individual and unique to you alone. In any case, the world wide web is full of resources for us to use to help us find either hot sex sites to explore, or some friendly and cooperative people who are in the market for a hot, quick, sexual hookup at just a moments notice. And isn’t that what the internet is really all about after all?

Many people, especially men, particularly enjoy the idea of a long, leisurely nap after they have an intense orgasm. What could be nicer than just drifting off to sleep all relaxed, mellow and comfy without a care in the world on our minds? There must be something scientific going on in the male loins, either with loosing all of that protein and fluids during the ejaculation, or maybe something else, but it seems extra prevalent with men that they want to sleep afterwards. Even if it’s more common with men, there are still plenty of women who also love the idea of a nice nap with their partner after having sex. The cuddling up together under the covers, the pleasant snoring, and the feeling of just drifting off can be a lovely feeling indeed. In fact, I’m not having sex, but I could use some cuddling right about now myself.

Then there are the people, both male and female that tend to get very perky after sex. They want to jump up, they want to clean out a closet, they want to discuss politics and religion, and most disturbing, they want us to listen to them. Oh dear. One of the hardest sexual situations can occur when a post coitus sleepy person hooks up with a post coitus perky person. Imagine a born again Christian dating a rock star and you begin to get some idea of the level of difficulty and the host of potential problems ahead for this imaginary couple. Especially if it’s a perky born again Christian and a lethargic rock star, that would be hilarious!

Oh well, whatever happens afterward, it is certainly better to be in the position of having amazing sex than not having amazing sex. Isn’t that what we’re all after anyhow, amazing sex all of the time? That is something that we all can agree on, whether we are of the hyper variety or more of the chill state of mind.

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